Weight Loss for Truckers

Dr. John’s Big 5

  1. First understand the fat cell.

The fat (adipose) cell is a large cell with only one veinlet and one capillary supplying the cell full of cytoplasm and water. When you lose fat through diet and exercise, the fat cells never go away they just shrink. As they shrink, they will begin to push out, on balance, unneeded water but, this is a slow process.  Since water is heavier that fat, the first few pounds of fat loss will take a while to be visible or measurable.  It is important to remember I am talking about the average amount of fat and water a cell retains. This can vary day-to-day.  Water will come and go from a fat cell depending on your daily water intake.  You can lose water weight (false weight loss) by depriving yourself of water.  THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING!  Proper hydration is essential for good health and critical for weight loss.  This See illustration of fat cell below from Diabetes Health Magazine (www.diabeteshealth.com a Dr. John recommended read for truckers).

Can you tell when you lose weight on my plan? The answer is yes but, you must know where and what time of day to look of weight loss. You can weigh up to 6 lbs. more in the evening just due to water filling the fat cell as fat leaves the body. Does this mean you need to drink less water? As I mention the answer is “ABSOLUTELY NOT”.  It is very important to maintain the recommended water intake below.  Water is a must for health and weigh loss.


  1. Exercise smart and regularly for weight loss

If you are genuinely interested in weight loss, you must first do an inventory your obesity related symptoms and medical problems. Talk to you doctor about your list and make sure your diet and exercise plan is safe and smart for you.  Assuming your doctor approves, let’s start with what comes easy. Walking!  The average driver, in the course of normal operations, will walk around his/her tractor and trailer about of five times a day. This means up to 1625 steps a day on a routine basis.  Now, let’s add just five extra laps before breakfast, lunch, and dinner and we begin to shrink fat cells.  The next thing you know, you are fastening your belt one notch over at the two-week mark. Just add one to two laps a day for the 52 weeks and you will reach you goal.  Yes, set a goal.  It helps.

Notice I haven’t mention weighing yourself. Weight loss is not an uneven process.  Given that your body may hit a weight loss plateau from time to time coupled with the natural fluctuation in water retention, some days the scale will show no weight loss and other days you will see more than normal weight loss.  Add the fact that scales are notoriously a few pounds off in either direction and you can become discouraged.  This may lead you to quit. If you must weigh, do so once a week or even better once a month.


  1. Diet smart for weight loss

There are only a few long-term diets I recommend to my patients. Weight Watcher’s is one.  Dr. John’s is working to have Weight Watchers on line and at our New IdleAir medical stops (https://www.idleair.com/locations).  TA Petro has the healthy choice menu (http://www.ta-petro.com/amenities/stayfit) which, if followed, can produce positive results. The Mediterranean diet is one of my favorites.  NOTICE I SAID LONG-TERM DIET!  There are short-term diets that can speed up weight loss (ketogenic diet (Adkin’s for example) but, you miss one key weight loss and maintenance element; life-style change.  Most short-term diets primarily focus on fast weight loss and don’t emphasize weight management and life style change. A weight loss program evaluated for your particular needs is important since every person is different. One trucker may respond to the portion control (Weight Watchers) while others may respond to the ketogenic diet (Adkin’s).  Others do well on the Mediterranean diet.  Dr. John’s will soon have dietary consultants to help you with your weight loss. For the time being, consult your primary care physician and choose a food management program that is best for you.  Remember, when you stop a diet, regardless of whether or not you have reached your weight loss goal, the rebound weight gain can exceed three times what you lost. So, stick with your life-style change and enjoy life.


  1. Hydrate for weight loss

Water is the most underrated weight loss supplement on earth. It is easy to forget.  One tip to help you remember to drink more water is to add a sugar free flavor to you water bottle or maybe lemon (little yellow bottle in the produce section of your grocery store). Also, water is in many fruits but too much fruit will increase your carbohydrate (sugar) intake beyond needed levels and will have a negative impact on your weight loss program. Just make sure you learn how to manage the proper amount of water intake.  Being a trucker it’s vital for you to plan ahead. Here is how I do it:

  • 6 AM to 7 AM drink at least 15-16 oz of water before and during breakfast. Repeat the same at lunch and dinner. Coffee is OK but can irritate the bladder causing frequent urinating.  Water will help minimize this irritation.
  • Between meals you will need to sip on a 16 oz bottle of water. This consistent sipping will help stretch the bladder and dilute the urine so is not as heavy. Lighter urine (light yellow to yellow) means better hydration.


Dr. John’s water plan will help you reduce weight faster so you can skip another belt notch or two. Make this water intake program a daily habit.  Try drinking at least 64 oz daily. I personally like to drink up to 100 oz plus daily but that differs with age.  This is a good goal for men; a little less for women.

For all of us over 60, mix and drink two table spoons of sugar free Metamucil with 6 oz of water every morning and every evening. This will enhance your enjoyment the morning paper and the evening Road King Magazine. This will also help reduce irritation of the bladder while lowering your cholesterol.


  1. The most part of losing weight – COMMITMENT

Losing one pound every week sounds easy and it is. But it doesn’t happen without a commitment on your part.  A THREE-YEAR commitment to be specific. This is what it will take to change your body metabolism and create a new weight management life-style you can live with. No matter what diet fits you, it all comes down to remaining active and eating smart with small portions. Make water be the secrete sauce to get you from meal to meal. Once your hunger pangs go away (two to three weeks) the belly fat will slowly shrink. Remember, the bigger you are the slower going it will be, so be prepared.


Get started today beginning with the healthy choice menu, regular exercise around your rig and at an exercise room at TA-Petro, and a healthy amount of water each day.


Stay tuned for my next article on risk factors of bariatric surgery for those who may need this procedure.




Tue May 30 2017 | 1,497 views | 0 |

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